Personal Insurance
We work to ensure that the financial well-being of your family is paramount at all times.
As an independent financial adviser, Karl deals with a number of insurance companies on your behalf, ensuring that you have the right insurance tools and solutions to hand when you need them most.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance helps you minimise the financial impact on our loved ones due to your death or terminal illness.
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Health Insurance
Protecting your health is one of the wisest investments you can make, helping you earn an income, support your family and enjoy life.
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Income Protection
The ability to earn an income is potentially the greatest asset you have, impacting your lifestyle and future aspirations.
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Mortgage Insurance
For the majority of New Zealand families, your rent or monthly mortgage repayment is one of the largest expenses you face.
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One in Three New Zealanders will suffer a traumatic event before the age of 65. How would you cope financially if you suffered a heart attack, cancer or stroke?
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Total & Permanent Disability
What would the financial impact be on your family if you were unable to ever work again due to being totally, and permanently disabled?
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